• Strategi1

Helseplan can assist you in your strategic organisational development, from the formulation of vision and goals to implementation:

  • Strategy formulation: Values, ideology, vision and goals
  • Strategic planning: From the current position to a future desired position
  • Change management: Project management, transformation, implementation and organisational development
  • Governance and management: Organisational structure, leadership, culture and interpersonal processes
  • Daily operations: Efficiency, productivity, production planning, staffing and process development
  • Analysis: Current situation, surroundings, risks and competitors
  • Strategic choices and direction: Acquisition, change and transformation and market positioning
  • Advanced data analysis and visualisation: Modelling, prediction, scenario analysis and development of tools
  • Digitalization: Feasibility studies, pilots and implementation

For us successful strategies is about achieving results, not elaborate visions and fancy PowerPoints. Helseplan can be your short- or long-term partner in strategic development, according to your needs.



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